Documents in my Sierra Estrella collection

On this page I am going to put a partial list of some of the hundreds of documents I have collected over the last 12 years. This is not anywhere near all the stuff I have, but it will give the viewer/reader an idea of the extent of the collection. The purpose of this is to preserve knowledge and information that is rapidly disappearing. Let me site one or two examples. In about 1993 I visited the Town of Maricopa library and there was a small file on the history of Maricopa with stories and articles by many "old timers", including one by Dallas Smith. There was also a nice model of the Maricopa Wells station, done by school kids. Several years later I returned to check out the file and to take a picture of the model for my documentation. Both were gone, probably thrown away!. The good news is that I did make a copy of the Dallas Smith paper, but it was in pretty bad shape already and much of it is illegible.

I will also add a few scanned images of some of these documents. If there is a hyperlink in the first colun, then I have a copy here in graphics format.

  Sierra Estrella Documents
Doc #Title of Document Uthor/Source
001 Ghost of the Estrellas Magazine article
002a 002b Moans and groans... Phoenix Magazine article
4 St. Johns Indian Mission and School Pamphlet
5 Material to look for (bibliographies) INFO CATEGORY
6 Useless material - Nothing relevant INFO CATEGORY
6 Coronado's Children Dobie, J. Frank
7 Westering Man (Life of J. Walker) Gilbert, Bill
8 Misceleneaus (short docs/other) INFO CATEGORY
8a Sierra Estrella, The Az Days & Ways Article
8b How Many Miles to a League? Misc
9 Newspaper Clippings INFO CATEGORY
9a Work Continues on Huge Park Newspaper
9b Valley's Estrella Mountains Hiker's ParadiNewspaper
9c Tough Stuff (range near PHX offers...) Newspaper
9d Same Name, 3 Towns Newspaper
9e Maricopa (3 newpaper articles on) Parker, Lowell
10 Photographs and Pictures INFO CATEGORY
11 Adventures in the Apache Country Browne, J. Ross
12a, 12b, 12c, 12d Adventuring in Arizona Annerino, John
13 Akimult Aw A Tham - The River People Acuff, Guy
14 Along the Early Trails of the Southwest Winfrey and others
14 Butterfield Overland Mail Trail (Along...)Winfrey, Dorman H.
15 Anza's Calif. Expeditions - Vol. 1 Bolton, Herbert E. (ed))
15 Anza's Calif. Expeditions - 5 Volumes Bolton, Herbert E. (ed))
16 Anza's Calif. Expeditions - Vol. 2 Bolton, Herbert E. (ed))
17 Anza's Calif. Expeditions - Vol. 3 Anza (ed. by Bolton, H)
17 Anza's Calif. Expeditions - Vol. 3 Eixarch (ed. by Bolton, H)
17 Anza's Calif. Expeditions - Vol. 3 Font (ed. by Bolton, H)
18 Anza's Calif. Expeditions - Vol. 4 Font (ed. by Bolton, H)
19 Anza's Calif. Expeditions - Vol. 5 Bolton, Herbert E. (ed))
20 Arizona Odyssey - Bibliographic AdventuresGoodman, Davis M.
20a Crossing the Arizona Dessert ... Az Odyssey
20b Mining - The Mines of Mexico Az Odyssey
20c Silver and Copper Mining in Arizona Az Odyssey
21a, 21b Arizona of Joseph Pratt Allyn Allyn, J (ed J.Nicolson)
22 Arizona Place Names Barnes, Will C.
23 Arizona, A State Guide WPA Writers Program
24 Army Explorations in the American West 180Goetzmann, William H.
25 Audubon's Western Journals 1849-1850 Audubon, John W.
26 A. B. Grey Report, The Grey, A. B.
27 Butterfield Overland Trail through ArizonaAhnert, Gerald
28 Concise History of the Mormon Battalion ..Tyler, Daniel
29a, 29b Cycles of Conquest Spicer, Edward H.
30 Day Hikes & Trail Rides in & Around PhoeniFreeman, Roger & Ethel
31a, 31b, 31c, 31d Days Journey of the Stars (GREAT!) Annerino, John
32 Destiny Road - The Gila Trail and ... Faulk, Odie B.
33a,33b Doniphan's Expedition Hughes, John T.
34a,34b Early and Very Early Stories of Arizona Deal, Ruth
35 Early Arizona, Prehistory to the Civil WarWagoner, Jay J.
36 Explorations and Incidents, A Personal NarBartlett, John R.
37 Explorations & Adventures in Arizona & N. Cozzens, Samuel W.
38 Exploring Southwestern Trails 1846 - 1854 Bieber, Ralph P. (ed)
39 Forgotten Frontiers - A Study of Spanish..Anza, Juan B.
39 Forgotten Frontiers - A Study of Spanish..Thomas, Alfred B. (ed)
40 Friars, Soldiers and Reformers Kessell, John L.
41 Ghosts of the Adobe Walls Murbarger, Nell
42 Gila Trail (The Texas Argonauts ...) Harris, Benjamin B.
43 Gila, River of the Southwest Corle, Edwin
44 Handbook of North American Indians - Vol.1Sturtevant, W.C. (ed)
45 Handbook to Arizona Hinton, Richard
46a, 46b Hispanic Acculturation of the Gila River PEzell, Paul H.
47 Historical Atlas of Arizona Walker, H. and Bufkin
48 Historical Demography of the Pima and MariMeister, Cary W.
49a, 49b Historical Survey of Estrella M. R. Park Arizona Historical Foundation
50 History of Arizona and N.Mexico 1530-1888 Bancroft, Hubert H.
51 History of Mining in Arizona Canty, J.M. & Greeley
52 How They Got There Barney, J. - Az Hghwys 6/36
53a, 53b Jacobo Sedelmayr - Manuscripts Sedelmayr, Jacobo
54a, 54b John Spring's Arizona Gustafson, A.M. (ed)
55a, 55b Journal of the Overland Route to CaliforniAldrich, Lorenzo D.
56 Kino's Historical Memoir of Pimeria Alta Bolton, Herbert (ed)
57 Legends of Lost Missions and Mines Polzer, Charles W.
58a, 58b Lost Cities of Cebola Petersen, Richard G.
59b, 59c, 59d, 59eLuz de Tierra Incognita, (Unknown Arizona and Sonora...) Manje, Juan M.
60 Manje's Mercury Mines Ives, Ronald L.
61a, 61b Marcy & the Gold Seekers Foreman, Grant
62a, 62g Maricopa Wells, A Famous Stage Station ...Barney, James M.
63a, 63b Maricopas, The - An Identification... Ezell, Paul
64 Maricopa, Our Towm Brock, Patricia (ed)
65c, 65d Massacre on the Gila Kroeber & Fontana
66 Mexican Americans: Sons of the Southwest Lamb, Ruth
67 Mexican Frontier, 1821-1846 Weber, David J.
68 Mexican Gold Trail - Journal of a 49er Evans, George W. B.
69 Mines and Buried treasures of the West Probert, Thomas
70 Missions & Pueblos of the Old Southwest Forrest, Earl R.
71 Myth & History of the Hispanic Southwest Weber, David J.
72 Old Trails West, The Moody, Ralph
73c, 73e, 73f, 73g On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer Garces, Francisco (Coues, Elliot)
74a, 74b, 74c, 74d, 74e, 74f, 74gOnce a River Rea, Amadeo M.
75 Original Journals of H. Smith Turner Clarke, Dwight (ed)
76 Papago country .... Bryan, Kirk
77 Peralta Grant (J.A.Revis & Barony Arizona)Powell, Donald M.
78 Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie Pattie, James O.
79 Petroglyphs of the Southern Sierra EstrellWeaver, D. & Rosenberg
80 Pima - Maricopa Dobyns, Henry F.
81 Pima - Maricopa Indians (Vol 1) Hackenberg, Robert A.
82 Pima - Maricopa Indians (Vol 2) Hackenberg, Robert A.
83 Pima Indians, The Russell, Frank
84 Pima Past, A Shaw, Anna Moore
85 Pima Remembers, A Webb, George
86 Pimas, Dead Padres and Gold Lease, Paul V.
87 Pioneering in Arizona, Reminiscences... Strattton, Emerson O.
88 Portrait of a Heritage, A Photographic StuUndetermined
89 Reid's Tramp Reid, John C.
90a, 90b, 90c Rim of Christendom Bolton, Herbert E.
91 Romero Exped., Diaries & Accounts Bean, Lowell John (ed)
92 Road to California (Search for a Southern Hague, Harlan
93a, 93b Southern Trails to California in 1849 Bieber, Ralph (ed)
94 Spanish Borderlands Frontier, The Bannon, John F.
95 Spanish Colonial Frontier Research Dobyns, Henry F.
96 Spanish Frontier in the Enlightened Age McCarty, Kieran
97 Spanish & Mexican Records of the American Beers, Henry P.
98 Three New Mexico Chronicles Escudero, Jose A.
99 Through Our Unknown Southwest Laut, Agnes C.
100 Too Far North, Too Far South Faulk, Odie B.
101a, 101b Topographical Distr. Hohokam Petroglyph SiHamann, D & Hedges, K
102 Trails West National Geographic Soc
103 Vanished Arizona Summerhayes, Martha
104a, 104b, 104e, 104f, 104g Vegitation and Flora of the S. Estrella ..Sundell, Eric Gordon
105 Viajes por NorteAmerica (Spanish) Kino, E. & Lafora, N.
105 Viajes por NorteAmerica (Spanish) Lafora, N. & Kino, E.
106a, 106b, 106c Yuman Tribes of the Gila River Spier, Leslie
107 Official report of the Survey of the Gila.Whipple, A.W.
108a, 108b Maricopa Wells to Maricopa Unsigned Report, Maricopa Lib
109 Mining Information Documents BLM - Bureau Land Manag.
110 Lost Mines & Buried Treasures Along the OlMitchell. John D.
111 Lost Mines of the Great Southwest Mitchell. John D.
112 Old Arizona Treasures Rascoe, Jesse
113 Lost Mines and Hidden Treasure Lovelace, Leland
114 Pima and Papago Indian Agriculture Castetter, E & Bell, W.
115 Rock to Riches - The story of American MinDunning, Charles H.
116 Hispanic Culture in the Southwest Campa, Arthur L.
117 Diamond in the Rough - An Illustrated HistTrimble, Marshall
118 Those Forgotten Places - Vol. 1 - Arizona McNab, D. Gordon
119 Spanish Royal Corps of Engineers in the WeFireman, Janet R.
120 Anza Conquers the Desert Pourade, Richard F.
121 Northern New Spain - A Research Guide Barnes, Naylor & Polzer
122 Arizona - Its People and Resources Cross, Shaw and Scheifele (Ed
123a, 123d, 123h, I found a Lost Mine xxxx
124 Phoenix Herald 8/16/1879 (Robbers) xxx
125 Quartz Peak (newspaper) Christine Maxa
126a, 126b, 126c, 126d Notes from the bottle - Old Spanish Mine Various
127 Letter about Maricopa Wells J. F. Crampton
128 History of Happy Camp J. F. Crampton
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